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STEM 写作课 11 周(M-Grades 6-8; Grades 9-11)

STEM 写作课 11 周(M-Grades 6-8; Grades 9-11)


日期:  3/7-5/23  (星期一;11 周)

时间:太平洋标准时间下午 6 点至晚上 7:00 / 中部标准时间晚上 7 点至晚上 8:00

  • Class description

     Students will:

    • do weekly reading, writing, and research on cutting-edge STEM topics on medical, technology, and science advancement using articles from newspapers and journals such as New York Times, Science, Nature, etc. 
    • sharpen their informational writing skills, learn storytelling techniques and rhetorical approaches to reach a general audience, including college admissions officers and future employers
    • of particular interest to high schoolers, 2 lessons of the course will be devoted to essay and statement writing for university applications
    • develop a voice and philosophy to articulate their visions as future STEM leaders to better serve humanity
    • learn how to discuss in depth and width the complex relations between STEM and society
    • learn the scientific method in a step-by-step process, which will apply to all science lab report writings, which represents a large percentage of a student's grade in science (e.g. physics, chemistry, biology) classes
    •  build a toolbox informed by both humanities and STEM modes of knowledge 
    • learn how to apply valuable humanities skills to benefit and support them throughout their education, careers and lives 

    We'll cover the following, which includes the most important elements of STEM writing considered by the NY Times STEM writing team:  

    • How to select a research topic
    • How to do research 
    • How to hook the reader: strategies for engaging readers and teachers from the opening paragraph
    • Explain why a topic or an issue matter in a larger context 
    • How to incorporate information from the sources: quoting and paraphrasing experts and research
    • How to write a powerful and impactful ending 
  • NextGen Edu 21 世纪技能和心态:

    • 信息写作 
    • 创新思维 
    • 研究
    • 领导 
    • 同理心、创造力、批判性思维、沟通
    • 个人和社会责任
  • 班级人数



  • 讲师

    • 我们的老师 出版作家和大学教师毕业于哈佛大学、加州大学伯克利分校和德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校。
    • STEM 专家、谷歌计算机科学家和 高级软件工程师, 还有姜朴博士
    • 嘉宾点评: 教授,博士普林斯顿大学物理学博士,将帮助审查学生论文的内容。

    班级 将由出版的作者/编辑和教育家教授。 


谢谢 !

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